Wednesday, November 2, 2011

EOC Week 5: Job Recruiters Look to Facebook

“…Users tell the company they want to keep their personal and professional networks separate.” (Light 1)  The reason for this is what makes the idea of facebook in the professional world so appealing.  The biggest strength of facebook as used in finding employees is the ease at which you can get a one-hundred percent honest picture of what a person is like.  At the same time, however, this honest picture is, to the majority of the market, an invasion of privacy.

The jump from simply making hiring decisions by the contents of an applicant’s facebook page and finding them via facebook is not all that big.  However, due to the personal, honest treatment of a person’s facebook page, it is not surprising that the majority of employees hired are not found on facebook.  A person’s image in their personal life is far different from how they choose to present themselves professionally.  It becomes an issue of privacy when the information you choose to place on facebook, or the groups you join, even seem to influence your ability to acquire a job.

However, there are other strengths based around that truer picture.  Hiring a person from facebook means hiring a real person.  They have a clear idea of the people around them, and are not as inhibited in their ideas.

(To be completed at home)

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